Heike, Jasmine and crew,

While the response is somewhat delayed it doesn’t diminish the thanks from us all for your efforts in making our second trip to Makutsi even more enjoyable than our first. Yours and Karl’s efforts to not only find but get us to see “the throw rug” known as Zero was very much appreciated by all of us old buggers from Western Australia. The opportunity to see the old guy was yet another highlight for us, Zero probably was over “bloody tourists” well and truly interrupting his afternoon snooze. Between the rhinos, ostrich, honey badgers, cheetahs and leopard we were lucky to fit the moggy into the schedule. Attached are a couple of pic’s I took of a rhino just “chilling” that Natalie and Dereck found while on the Simba drive. You probably have many but they are special to me at least. Undoubtably we will return as we now have the tented camp to include into the mix as well as renewing the general banter enjoyed with all of the guides and staff.

Cheers / Jeff Howe
